Cassava processing business in Nigeria is promising

04-26,2019 / Industry news / Chat online / Leave a message

Due to its unique soil, climate, labor resources and other conditions, Nigeria has made cassava one of the most important cultivated crops. The main uses of cassava are in edible, forage and industrial applications. In fact, cassava processing business in Nigeria is promsing, for 90% of Nigerian households consume cassava products daily, including garri, cassava flour, cassava starch, fufu, commercial caramel, and so on. At the same time, cassava is also an energy plant with great development potential and is one of the important pillars of the development of biomass energy industry.

cassava processing business in NigeriaCassava

Dr. Martin, Special Technical Adviser of the Ministry of Agriculture of Nigeria, said about cassava development and utilization: "In Nigeria, cassava will become oil and natural gas." Cassava processing business in Nigeria can promote Nigeria's economic development. Agriculture Minister Dr. Adsina once pointed out that "in Nigeria, cassava is expected to replace wheat as a cash crop for bread, pastries, biscuits and other products."

2012 Nigerian federal government imports cassava processing equipment for cassava processing

cassava processing business in NigeriaCassava processing plant in Nigeria

As early as 2012, the Nigerian federal government has imported 18 sets of cassava processing machine from China to promote cassava processing business in Nigeria, and these equipment will be placed in high-yield areas of cassava. Nigerian Minister of Agriculture Adi Xinna said that there are currently 105 small cassava processing plants in Nigeria, and the Ministry of Agriculture is currently inspecting various processing plants to prepare for the renovation and expansion of production scale to solve the existing capacity and quality problems of the current plant.

In 2015, Nigeria plans to build a cassava ethanol processing plant in 10 states.

According to a report by the Nigerian Business Daily, the chairman of the Nigerian Cassava Planting Association told the media that the association will work with the Emerging African Infrastructure Fund (EAIF) to build a cassava ethanol processing plant in 10 states to develop bioenergy, thus further promote cassava processing business in Nigeria. The 10 state governments will allocate 6,000 hectares of agricultural land for cassava planting, and the surrounding farmers can also sell the harvested cassava to the factory. It is expected that the post-production processing plant will produce millions of liters of ethanol per year.

cassava processing business in nigeriaCassava in Nigeria

In addition, the Nigerian government issued a policy of "bread ingredients must include 10% cassava flour", the establishment a multi-functional cassava processing plant and the development of new varieties of high-quality cassava, all this efforts are mainly for promoting the development of cassava processing business in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, cassava and cassava processing products are used more than ever, and in return, cassava processing business in Nigeria is becoming more and more profitable. Every day , cassava and cassava products has been the source of life and food for millions of Nigerians.

cassava processing business in nigeriaMechinical cassava processing equipment

Traditional cassava processing business in Nigeria rely on local and original methods for processing cassava, like manual peeling, traditional stone milling cassava. However, with the development of mechanization, cassava processing is more inclined to modern processing methods, and by introducing technical equipment and machinery, the productivity of cassava processing business in Nigeria has been greatly improved. Today, a machine can do all the tedious work of cassava processing in minutes or hours, which in the past may take a whole day or a few days to handle the work. Modern technology has played an important role in cassava processing business in Nigeria. This has contributed greatly to making the Nigerian cassava product one of the world's largest producers, although investing in cassava processing equipment requires a lot of money, but the increased availability of cassava tubers makes the post-acquisition business more profitable.

cassava processing business in nigeriaModern cassava processing plant

The profit potential of the cassava processing business in Nigeria is high, as not only every household in Nigeria use cassava products, but cassava processing products are also exported to other African countries, making cassava one of the most exportable commodities in the country. Maybe many people are not aware of this, but cassava processing business in Nigeria is actually a very profitable business opportunity. The high demand for cassava products at home and abroad also motivates more people to enter the industry. If you already have a farmland and only need to purchase related cassava processing equipment for cassava processing, even you do not have farmland, cassava is also widely available in Nigeria, so it is easy to succeed in the Nigerian cassava business.

As a professional cassava processing machinery manufacturer, Doing Company can customize professional cassava processing equipment according to your production scale and final processing product like cassava starch, cassava flour or garri. Feel free to contact us about cassava processing business in Nigeria and the cassava processing equipment.

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